Conjugation of verbs
In the dictionary, verbs are found in their basic form, i.e. the infinitive.
The infinitive of a verb ends in –en (machen – to do, make) or –n (wandern – to wander).
Removing the infinitive ending leaves the verb stem: mach-, wander-.
The verb stem receives a different ending for each person.
Most verbs have the following endings:
-e |
-st |
-t |
-en |
-t |
-en |
The forms of some verbs have to be learned by heart.
If the verb ends in :
- -s- → reis-en (= to travel)
- -ss- → küss-en (= to kiss)
- -ß- → heiß-en (= to call/be called)
- -z- → duz-en (= to address informally)
- -tz- → sitz-en (= to sit)
the 2nd person singular (du) takes the ending –t.
If the verb ends in :
- -t- → arbeit-en (= to work)
- -d- → bad-en (= to bathe)
- -tm- → atm-en (= to breathe)
- -chn- → zeichn-en (= to draw)
- -ffn- → öffn-en (= to open)
the 2nd person singular (du) takes the ending –est,
the 3rd person singular (er, sie, es) takes the ending –et,
the 2nd person plural (ihr) takes the ending –et.
If the verb ends in :
- -eln-→ sammeln (= to collect)
in the first person singular (
(= I)
), the -e is left off the verb stem.
the verb stem takes the ending (
(= we)
) in the first person plural and (
(= they)
(= You)
) in the third person plural.
Many verbs change their stem vowel when the verb is conjugated. The vowel change occurs only in the 2nd Person sing. (du) and the 3rd Person sing. (er, sie, es).
a → ä in 'schlafen' - to sleep
e → i in 'geben' - to give
e → ie in 'sehen' - to see
Modal verbs
Modal verbs modify the meaning of the verb in the sentence.
Modal verbs determine the relationship to the activity expressed by verb in the sentence.
The second verb, after the modal verb, is always in the infinitive and at the end of the sentence.
können – to be able – capability / possibility:
Ich kann gut schwimmen.= I can swim well. Das Auto ist kaputt. Wir können nicht weiter fahren.= The car is broken. We cannot drive any further. Können Sie mir helfen?= Can you help me? Die Medikamente kann man nur mit Rezept kaufen.= One can only buy the medicine with a prescription. -
dürfen – to be allowed – permission / prohibition
Hier dürfen Sie nicht rauchen!= You are not allowed to smoke here! Die Bank darf das Geld für das Mittagessen abbuchen.= The bank may transfer the money for the lunch. -
müssen – to have to – duty / necessity
Ich muss den Aufsatz bis morgen schreiben.= I must write the essay by tomorrow. Ich muss zum Hauptplatz.= I have to go to the main square. Hier musst du den Namen angeben.= You must give the name here. -
wollen – to want to – wish / intention
Wir wollen am Wochenende an die Ostsee fahren.= We want to drive to the Baltic at the weekend. Ich will dich heiraten.= I want to marry you. Wollen wir etwas essen?= Do we want to eat something? -
sollen – to be supposed to – duty / repetition of a request
Du sollst deiner Oma helfen.= You should help your grandmother. Der Arzt sagt, ihr sollt mehr Obst essen.= The doctor says that you should eat more fruit. Soll ich den Notarzt rufen?= Should I ring the emergency doctor? -
mögen – to like – inclination
Ich mag keine Schokolade.= I do not like chocolate. Ich mag türkisches Essen.= I like Turkish food. -
möchten – would like – wish
The modal verb 'möchten' is grammatically the 2nd subjunctive of the verb 'mögen' and has its own meaning of 'wish'.Ich möchte mit Frau Riedel sprechen.= I would like to speak to Mrs Riedel. Wie möchten die Deutschen am liebsten wohnen?= How do Germans prefer to live? Ich möchte eine Massage haben.= I would like a massage. -
to need + zu + infinitive
A negative “müssen” is often replaced by “nicht brauchen” when the meaning is necessity. With this one expresses that someone does not need to do something. In this case “brauchen” is used like a modal verb and is always accompanied by a negative word and an infinitive.Wir müssen morgen nicht früh aufstehen, denn es ist Wochenende.= We do not have to get up early tomorrow as it is the weekend. Wir brauchen morgen nicht früh aufzustehen, denn es ist Wochenende.= We do not need to get up early tomorrow as it is the weekend. “Brauchen” can also be used in combination with a limiting word such as “erst, nur, bloß, kaum” to express necessity.
Du brauchst erst nächste Woche einzukaufen, noch haben wir viel zu essen und zu trinken.= You do not need to go shopping until next week, we still have a lot to eat and drink. Um erfolgreich zu werden, brauchst du nur etwas mehr zu arbeiten, dann schaffst du es bestimmt.= To be successful, you just need to work a little more, then you will certainly manage it.
Modal verbs can be used without a second verb if the context is clear.
Ich muss zum Arzt.
= I must go to the doctor. |
Ich backe die Pizza. Du kannst es nicht!
= I am baking the pizza. You cannot! |
In the conjugation of modal verbs, the1st and 3rd persons are the same.
Modal verbs can also be used with the impersonal pronoun 'man' 'one' – always in the 3rd person singular.
man kann one can -
Hier kann man gut essen. One can eat well here. -
man muss one must -
Das muss man noch heute machen. One must still do that today. -
man soll one should -
Das soll man wiederholen. One should repeat that. -
man darf one may -
In diesem Raum darf man rauchen. One may smoke in this room.
Compound verbs
Compound verbs are either separable or inseparable.
Separable verbs consist of the prefix and the verb.
einkaufen to shop -
ein +kaufen (= to buy) -
verstehen to understand -
ver +stehen (= to stand)
Separable verbs
The prefix is stressed. In the dictionary we find: einkaufen (= to shop) .
Ich gehe gleich einkaufen.
= I will go shopping right away. |
Ich kaufe nicht so gern ein.
= I do not enjoy shopping. |
Gestern kaufte sie den ganzen Tag ein.
= Yesterday she shopped all day. |
Er sieht elegant aus.
= He looks elegant. |
The prefix modifies the meaning of the verb. ('Einpacken' – to wrap – has something to do with 'packen' – to pack. 'Einkaufen' – to shop – has something to do with 'kaufen' – to buy.)
In the Present Tense, the prefix is at the end of the sentence.
In the past participle, „-ge-“ comes between the prefix and the verb.
Du hast aber viel eingekauft!
= Oh, you have bought a lot. |
Prefixes with separable verbs:
- ab- (= from)
- abfahren (= to drive off)
- an- (= on)
- ankommen (= to arrive) , anprobieren (= to try on)
- auf- (= on)
- aufstehen (= to get up)
- aus- (= out)
- austragen (= to carry out) , aussehen (= to appear)
- bei- (= by)
- beibringen (= to teach)
- ein- (= one)
- einkaufen (= to shop) , einpacken (= to pack)
- los- (= loose)
- losgehen (= to set off)
- mit- (= with)
- mitkommen (= to come with) , mitnehmen (= to take along)
- nach- (= after)
- nachmachen (= to imitate)
- vor- (= before)
- vorstellen (= to introduce)
- zu- (= to)
- zumachen (= to close) , (da)zunehmen (= to include)
Inseparable verbs
The prefix is unstressed.
Ich kann das nicht verstehen.
= I cannot understand that. |
The prefix often alters the meaning of the verb. („Verstehen“ – „to understand“ – has nothing to do with „stehen“ - „to stand“.)
In the Present and the Preterite, the prefix remains joined to the verb.
Ich verstehe das nicht.
= I do not understand that. |
Den Urlaub verbrachte sie in den Alpen.
= They spent the holiday in the Alps. |
The past participle has no „ge-”.
Du hast aber nichts verstanden!
= But you understood nothing! |
Ich habe einen neuen Computer bekommen.
= I got a new computer. |
Prefixes in inseparable verbs:
- be-
- bekommen (= to get)
- ge-
- gefallen (= to please)
- emp-
- empfehlen (= to recommend)
- ent-
- entschuldigen (= to apologise)
- er-
- erzählen (= to tell)
- miss-
- missbrauchen (= to misuse)
- ver-
- verstehen (= to understand)
- zer-
- zerstören (= to destroy)
The Imperative is used for requests, commands, advice or instructions.
The imperative is used in the following forms:
- du (= you (sg.))
- du - for one preson
- ihr (= you (pl.))
- ihr - for two or more people
- Sie (= you (formal))
- Sie - as a polite form for one or more people.
The imperative for the 'du-form' is formed by omitting both the personal pronoun 'du' and the ending '-st'.
- du kommst (= you come) → Komm! (= Come!)
- du gibst (= you give) → Gib! (= Give!)
- du nimmst (= you take) → Nimm! (= Take!)
- du gehst (= you go) → Geh! (= Go!)
Geh ins Fitnesstudio!
= Go to the gym! |
The imperative for the 'ihr-form' is formed by omitting the personal pronoun 'ihr'.
- ihr kommt (= you come) → Kommt! (= Come!)
- ihr gebt (= you give) → Gebt! (= Give!)
- ihr nehmt (= you take) → Nehmt! (= Take!)
- ihr feiert (= you celebrate) → Feiert! (= Celebrate!)
Feiert, tanzt und trinkt mit mir!
= Celebrate, dance and drink with me! |
The Imperative for the polite „Sie-form” is formed by changing the word order.
- Sie gehen (= you go) → Gehen Sie! (= Go!)
- Sie geben (= you give) → Geben Sie! (= Give!)
- Sie kommen (= you come) → Kommen Sie! (= Come!)
- Sie nehmen (= you take) → Nehmen Sie! (= Take!)
- Sie ziehen an (= you get dressed) → Ziehen Sie an! (= Get dressed!)
Ziehen Sie einen Anzug an!
= Put a suit on! |
Verbs with umlaut in the 2nd and 3rd persons singular lose this umlaut in the imperative.
- du schläfst (= you are sleeping) → Schlaf! (= Sleep!)
- du fährst (= you are driving) → Fahr! (= Drive!)
In verbs with the stem ending in: '-t', '-d', '-ig', '-er', '-el', the 'du' form ends in '-e'.
- du wartest (= you are waiting) → Warte! (= Wait!)
- du entschuldigst dich (= you apologise) → Entschuldige dich! (= Apologise!)
- du lächelst (= you are smiling) → Lächle! (= Smile!)
Irregular forms of the Imperative.
sein (= to be)
- du (= you (sg.)) → Sei! (= Be!)
- ihr (= you (pl.)) → Seid! (= Be!)
- Sie (= you (formal)) → Seien Sie! (= Be!)
haben (= to have)
- du (= you (sg.)) → Hab! (= Have!)
- ihr (= you (pl.)) → Habt! (= Have!)
- Sie (= you (formal)) → Haben Sie! (= Have!)
werden (= to become)
- du (= you (sg.)) → Werde! (= Become!)
- ihr (= you (pl.)) → Werdet! (= Become!)
- Sie (= you (formal)) → Werden Sie! (= Become!)
Imperative - 'we-form'
The imperative for the 'we-form' is formed by changing the word order.
- wir gehen (= we go) → Gehen wir! (= Let's go!)
- wir kommen (= we come) → Kommen wir! (= Let's come!)
- wir geben (= we give) → Geben wir! (= Let's give!)
- wir nehmen (= we take) → Nehmen wir! (= Let's take!)
Gehen wir hin!
= Let's go there! |
Kaufen wir es hier!
= Let's buy it here! |
Preterite (Simple Past)
The Preterite is a past tense form which is used mainly in narrations. The Preterite is used in written texts.
In the Preterite, the 1st and 3rd persons are always the same.
Regular verbs
–te |
–test |
–te |
-ten |
-tet |
-ten |
Regular verbs with the stem ending in:
- -t-
arbeiten - -d-
baden - -tm-
atmen - -chn-
zeichnen - -ffn-
-ete |
-etest |
-ete |
-eten |
-etet |
-eten |
Irregular verbs
— |
-st |
— |
-en |
-t |
-en |
Er ließ wieder seinen Kampfhund ohne Beißkorb und Leine frei im Haus herumlaufen.
= He let his dog run around the house freely without a muzzle or lead. |
When talking about something in the past, the Preterite is almost always used for 'haben' and 'sein', even if the text as a whole is in the Perfect.
In the Preterite, the 1st and 3rd persons are always the same.
Alle Schülerinnen und Schüler hatten gute Noten.
= All pupils and good grades. |
Letztes Schuljahr war ein gutes Jahr.
= Last school year was a good year. |
Ich konnte nicht dorthin fahren.
= I could not drive there. |
Für meinen Job als Journalistin musste ich meine Aussprache verbessern.
= For my job as a journalist I had to improve my pronunciation quickly. |
Ich durfte einen Kurs in Schwerin besuchen.
= I was allowed to attend a course in Schwerin. |
Ich wollte schnell neue Leute kennen lernen.
= I wanted to meet new people quickly. |
Ich sollte einen Kurs in Berlin besuchen.
= I should attend a course in Berlin. |
Ich mochte dich nicht
= I did not like you |
The Perfect
The Perfect is a form of past tense.
The Perfect is made using the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb („haben” or „sein”) and the Past Participle at the end of the sentence.
Past Participle
Regular verbs
The verb stem receives: the prefix 'ge-' and the ending '-t'.
- machen (= to make) → ge–mach–t
- kaufen (= to buy) → ge–kauf–t
- zeigen (= to show) → ge-zeig-t
Ich habe ihr ein paar wichtige Gebäude gezeigt.
= I showed her a couple of important buildings. |
With verbs whose stem ends in '-t-', '-d-', '-tm-', '-chn-', '-ffn-', the stem receives: the prefix 'ge-' and the ending '-et'.
- warten (= to wait) → ge–wart–et
- baden (= to bathe) → ge–bad–et
- atmen (= to breathe) → ge–atm–et
- zeichnen (= to draw) → ge–zeichn–et
- öffnen (= to open) → ge–öffn-et
Irregular verbs
The Past Participle of irregular verbs must be learnt by heart. It usually ends in '-en'.
- treffen (= to meet) → getroffen
Wen hast du im Park getroffen?
= Whom did you meet in the park? |
- denken (= to think) → gedacht
Gestern habe ich ganz intensiv an dich gedacht.
= Yesterday I thought a lot about you. |
Separable verbs
With regular and irregular separable verbs, the prefix 'ge-' comes between the verb's prefix and the stem.
- einkaufen (= to shop) → ein–ge–kauf–t
- ausfüllen (= to fill in) → aus–ge–füll-t
- aufstehen (= to stand up) → auf–ge–stand–en
Dort haben wir zuerst einen Haufen von Formularen ausgefüllt.
= Firstly we filled out a mound of forms there. |
Past Participle without 'ge-'
With regular and irregular inseparable verbs (beginning with: 'be-', 'ge-', 'emp-', 'ent-', 'er-', 'miss-', 'ver-', 'zer-'), there is no prefix 'ge-'.
- bestehen (= to pass) → bestand–en
- gefallen (= to please) → gefall–en
- empfinden (= to feel) → empfund–en
- entschuldigen (= to apologise) → entschuldig–t
- erzählen (= to recount) → erzähl–t
- missbrauchen (= to misuse) → missbrauch–t
- verstehen (= to understand) → verstand–en
- zerstören (= to destroy) → zerstör–t
Ich habe schon versucht, den Computer zu starten.
= I have already tried to start the computer. |
Zuerst haben wir uns bei der Ausländerbehörde im Stadthaus erkundigt.
= First we informed ourselves at the immigration authority in the town hall. |
Verbs with the ending '-ieren' have no 'ge-' and are always regular.
- informieren (= to inform) → informier–t
- studieren (= to study) → studier–t
Hast du es schon kontrolliert?
= Have you already checked it? |
Hast du ein Virenprogramm installiert?
= Have you installed a virus program? |
The Perfect with 'sein'
The auxiliary verb 'sein' is used,
- when the verb expresses movement of the subject: 'kommen' - 'to come', 'gehen' - 'to go', 'laufen' - 'to run', 'springen' - 'to jump':
Wir sind nach Wien gekommen.= We came to Vienna. Er ist erst spät nach Hause gekommen.= He arrived home late. Ich bin ins Kino gegangen.= I went to the cinema. Sie ist vor kurzem von der Türkei nach Deutschland gezogen.= She recently moved from Turkey to Germany. -
- when the verb expresses a change of state by the subject, such as: 'aufwachen' - 'to wake up', 'einschlafen' - 'to fall asleep', 'wachsen' - 'to grow', 'sterben' - 'to die':
Ich bin sofort eingeschlafen.= I fell asleep immediately. Du bist aber groß gewachsen!= My how you have grown! Hermann Hesse ist 1962 in der Schweiz gestorben.= Hermann Hesse died in Switzerland in 1962. -
- with the verbs:
seinto be
Ich bin gestern im Kino gewesen.I was in the cinema yesterday.
werdento become
Sie ist Mathematiklehrerin geworden.She has become a mathematics teacher.
bleibento stay
Die ganze Woche ist er wegen der Grippe zu Hause geblieben.He stayed at home all week due to the flu.
passierento happen
Was ist passiert?What happened?
geschehento happen
Was ist geschehen?What has happened?
begegnento meet
Ich bin ihm im Park begegnet.I encountered him in the park.
The Perfect with 'haben'
The auxiliary verb 'haben' is used with all transitive verbs, followed by the accusatice (even with movement of the subject).
Ich habe die reservierten Karten für die Sonntagsvorstellung abgeholt.
= I have collected the reserved tickets for the Sunday performance. |
Sie haben das gleiche Kleid gekauft.
= You have bought the same dress. |
Was hast du ihr gegeben?
= What have you given her? |
Ich habe den Berg schon mehrmals bestiegen.
= I have climbed the mountain several times already. |
The auxiliary verb 'haben' is used with all reflexive verbs (even with movement of the subject).
Die Kinder haben sich vor dem Schlafen gewaschen.
= The children washed themselves before going to sleep. |
Ich habe mich an das Fenster gesetzt.
= I sat down at the window. |
Reflexive verbs
Some verbs require the reflexive pronoun 'sich' (oneself).
sich beeilen
= to hurry |
sich freuen
= to be glad |
sich interessieren
= to be interested |
sich fühlen
= to feel |
sich treffen
= to meet |
The reflexive pronoun can mean that the activity is directed towards the subject.
sich waschento wash oneself
Der Junge wäscht sich.The boy washes himself.
sich kämmento comb
Die Mädchen kämmen sich.The girls comb their hair.
sich verletzento injure oneself
Ich habe mich verletzt.I have injured myself.
The reflexive verb must be conjugated.
If the reflexive verb requires an accusative object, the reflexive pronoun changes:
Along with the reflexive use, several verbs and also be used to show a reciprocal (mutual) relationship. At least two people are always involved in a reciprocal relationship. Therefore the verb and the reciprocal pronoun always appear in the plural.
Reciprocal verbs only appear with plural subjects. Therefore the plural forms of the reflexive pronouns uns, euch and sich are used.
- sich kennenlernen (= to get to know) → Wir haben uns in der Grundschule kennen gelernt. (= We got to know each other at primary school.) → Ich habe Helga in der Grundschule kennengelernt. Helga hat mich in der Grundschule kennen gelernt. (= I met Helga at primary school. Helga met me at primary school.)
- sich gut verstehen (= to get along) → Wir haben uns sofort gut verstanden. (= We got along immediately.)
- sich begrüßen (= to greet) → Herr Hansen und seine Nachbarin begrüßen sich jeden Morgen auf der Straße. (= Mr Hansen and his neighbour greet each other every morning in the street.) → Herr Hansen begrüßt seine Nachbarin; Die Nachbarin begrüßt Herrn Hansen. (= Mr Hansen greets his neighbour; the neighbour greets Mr Hansen.)
The passive
The passive is used when the most important information in the sentence is an activity, not the person carrying it out (the agent).
In einem Restaurant wirst du praktisch ausgebildet.
= You are practically trained in a restaurant. |
The passive is formed using the conjugated auxiliary verb 'werden' – to become – and the past participle at the end of the sentence.
Aktiv (= Active)
Ich koche die Suppe.
= I boil the soup. |
Der Lehrer korrigiert die Tests.
= The teacher corrects the tests. |
Passiv (= Passive)
Die Suppe wird gekocht.
= The soup is boiled. |
Die Tests werden korrigiert.
= The tests are corrected. |
The agent can be expressed by 'von + dative'.
Die Suppe wird von mir gekocht.
= The soup is boiled by me. |
Die Teste werden vom Lehrer korrigiert.
= The tests are corrected by the teacher. |
Passive with modal verbs
One can also use the passive with the modal verbs can, must, may and should. The modal verb can occur in the present or the past tense.For this one uses the auxiliary verb werden and the relevant second participle of the main verb in addition to the modal verb.
Active | Passive |
Der Vater kann das Auto reparieren.
The father can repair the car.
Das Auto kann von dem Vater repariert werden.
The car can be repaired by the father.
Die Mutter muss die Kinder zur Schule bringen.
The mother must take the children to school.
Die Kinder müssen von der Mutter zur Schule gebracht werden.
The children must be taken to school by the mother.
Die Kinder dürfen den Computer benutzen.
The children may use the computer.
Der Computer darf von den Kindern benutzt werden.
The computer may be used by the children.
Die Kinder sollen die Betten machen.
The children should make the beds.
Die Betten sollen von den Kindern gemacht werden.
The beds should be made by the children.
Passive preterite
The passive past tense is formed using the past form of “werden” and the second participle of the verb.Passive present | Passive past tense |
I am being trained in a restaurant.
I was trained in a restaurant.
You are being trained in a restaurant.
You were trained in a restaurant.
He/she/it is trained in a restaurant.
He/she/it was trained in a restaurant.
We are trained in a restaurant.
We were trained in a restaurant.
You are trained in a restaurant.
You were trained in a restaurant.
You/they are trained in a restaurant.
You/they were trained in a restaurant.
Weißt du nicht, Mama, Neymar wurde doch bei der letzten WM am Rücken verletzt!
= Don't you know Mum, Neymar was injured in the back at the last world cup! |
Das Formular wurde nicht richtig ausgefüllt.
= The form was not filled in correctly. |
Das Geld wurde gestern abgebucht.
= The money was transferred yesterday. |
Frau Müller wurde nicht zur Geburtstagsparty von Ihrer Nachbarin eingeladen.
= Mrs Mueller was not invited to her neighbour's birthday party. |
Auf der Party wurde gestern viel getanzt und gelacht.
= A lot of dancing and laughing took place at the party yesterday. |
Subjunctive II
Subjunctive II is used in German to express requests, wishes, possibilities and suppositions. It is formed using the auxiliary verb “würden” and the infinitive at the end of the sentence.
“würden” is conjugated:
Würden Sie mir bitte Ihre Telefonnummer sagen?
= Would you please tell me the telephone number? |
Was würden Sie empfehlen?
= What would you recommend? |
The verbs “haben”, “sein” and modal verbs form their subjunctive by adding an umlaut to the preterite form.
A wish can be expressed using the subjunctive. Often the emphatic particles 'doch', 'bloß' and 'nur' are also used with it.
Wenn er doch bald kommen würde!
= If only he would come soon! |
Wenn ich nur Urlaub hätte!
= If only I had holiday! |
Wenn du bloß anrufen würdest!
= If only you would call! |
Ach, wenn ich ihn heute noch treffen würde!
= Oh, if only I would meet him today! |
Advice can be expressed by using the subjunctive of the modal verb 'sollen'.
Du solltest im Bett liegen.
= You should lie in bed. |
Er sollte zum Arzt gehen.
= He should go to the doctor. |
Du solltest dir eine neue Brille kaufen.
= You should buy yourself new glasses. |
With the conjunctive on can express unreality/possibility.
Wenn du schneller laufen könntest, würden wir den Bus nicht verpassen.
= If you could run quicker, we would not miss the bus. |
With the conjunctive one can express a guess.
Es ist zwar noch nicht sehr spät, aber er könnte schon zu Hause sein.
= It is not yet very late, but he could already be at home. |
A polite request (polite form) can be expressed in a question using subjunctive II:
Könnten Sie das Fenster zumachen?
= Could you close that window? |
Könntest du das Radio reparieren?
= Could you repair that radio? |
Würden Sie das Radio anmachen?
= Would you turn on the radio? |
Würdest du mir einen Stift leihen?
= Would you lend me a pen? |
Könnte ich das Fenster wieder zumachen?
= Could I close the window again? |
Dürfte ich Ihre Reisetasche auf die Gepäckablage legen?
= May I place your luggage on the luggage rack? |
Könntest du mir bitte helfen, den Koffer nach oben zu tragen?
= Could you please help me to carry the suitcase up? |
Future I
In Germany, it is usually enough to use the present tense with a time word to express an action or an intention in the future.
Wir ziehen in einem Monat nach Hamburg um.
= We will move to Hamburg in a month. |
Ich sehe morgen den neuen Film von James Bond.
= I will watch the new James Bond film tomorrow. |
The future I is a tense that directly refers to an event in the future. It is formed with the auxiliary verb “werden” and the infinitive of the verb at the end of the sentence.
Ich werde sehr viel lernen.
I will learn very much.
Wir werden sehr viel lernen.
We will learn a great deal.
Du wirst sehr viel lernen.
You will learn a great deal.
Ihr werdet sehr viel lernen.
You will learn a great deal.
Er/sie/es wird sehr viel lernen.
He/She/It will learn a great deal.
Sie/sie werden sehr viel lernen.
You/they will learn a great deal.
Bei dem Umweltprojekt werde ich sehr viel lernen – andere Dinge als in der Schule.
= I will learn a great deal through the environmental project - different things from at school. |
Ich werde eine schöne Frau heiraten.
= I will marry a beautiful woman. |
Wir werden in einem kleinen Haus mit einem Garten wohnen.
= We will live in a small house with a garden. |
Wir werden unser ganzes Leben lang glücklich sein.
= We will be happy our whole lives. |
The government of verbs
Most verbs require a fixed link with a preposition.
Unfortunately, the verbs with their prepositions and the following case must be learned by heart.
The list of the most frequent verbs with their prepositions:
achten auf + A
= to pay attention to |
anfangen mit + D
= to start with |
sich anmelden für + A
= to register for |
antworten auf + A
= to answer |
arbeiten an + D
= to work on |
sich ärgern über + A
= to be annoyed about |
beginnen mit + D
= to begin with |
sich beschäftigen mit + D
= to concern yourself with |
sich beschweren über + A
= to complain about |
bestehen aus + D
= to consist of |
bitten um + A
= to ask for |
danken für + A
= to thank for |
denken an + A
= to think about |
diskutieren über + A
= to argue about |
einladen zu + D
= to invite to |
sich entschuldigen bei + D / für + A
= to apologise to/for |
erfahren von + D
= to learn of |
fragen nach + D
= to ask about |
sich freuen über + A / auf + A
= to look forward to |
gehören zu + D
= to belong to |
glauben an + A
= to believe in |
gratulieren zu + D
= to congratulate on |
grenzen an + D
= to border |
hoffen auf + A
= to hope for |
sich interessieren für + A
= to be interested in |
sich konzentrieren auf + A
= to concentrate on |
sich kümmern um + A
= to take care of |
lachen über + A
= to laugh about |
meinen von + D
= to think of |
reden über + A / von + D
= to speak about/of |
schreiben an + A / mit + D / über + A
= to write to / with / about |
sorgen für + A / um + A
= to care for/about |
spielen mit + D
= to play with |
sprechen über + A / von + D / mit + D
= to speak about/of/with |
suchen nach + D
= to search for |
teilnehmen an + D
= to take part in |
telefonieren mit + D
= to telephone with |
träumen von + D
= to dream about |
trinken auf + A
= to drink to |
sich unterhalten über + A
= to talk about |
übersetzen in + A / aus + D
= to translate into/from |
sich verabschieden von + D
= to bid farewell to |
sich verstehen mit + D
= to have an understanding with |
warten auf + A
= to wait for |
wissen von + D
= to know about |
wohnen bei + D
= to live with |
zufrieden sein mit + D
= to be content with |
Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen.
= I am looking forward to meeting again. |
Sie haben von Ihrem Kind erfahren, dass…
= You have learned from your child that... |
Important structures:
asking about a person
preposition + whom?
sprechen über + A.
to talk about -
sprechen über + A.
about whom?
fragen nach + D.
to ask about -
nach wem?
according to whom?
Für wen interessierst du dich?
= Who are you interested in? |
If the question concerns a person, the accusative 'wen' or dative 'wem' comes after the preposition required by the verb.
asking about a thing
preposition + what?
what about?
after what?
Worauf konzentrieren Sie sich?
= What are you concentrating on? |
If the question concerns a thing, the preposition required by the verb.comes after the word 'wo-'. If the preposition begins with a vowel, an '-r-' is inserted between 'wo-' and the preposition.
prepositional adverb
preposition + that
about that?
after that?
Darüber muss ich mich wirklich ärgern.
= I am really frustrated by that. |
In forming a prepositional adverb, the preposition required by the verb.comes after the word 'da-'. If the preposition begins with a vowel, an '-r-' is inserted between 'da-' and the preposition.
Verbs with prepositions
In German many verbs are completed by a fixed preposition. The case of the noun depends on the preposition.
- warten auf etwas (= to wait for something) (Accusative)
- der Bus (= the bus) → Ich warte auf den Bus (= I wait for the bus.)
- das Geld (= the money) → Ich warte auf das Geld. (= I wait for the money.)
- die Torte (= the cake) → Ich warte auf die Torte. (= I wait for the cake.)
- zufrieden sein mit etwas (= to be content with something) (Dative)
- der Urlaub (= the holiday) → Ich bin zufrieden mit dem Urlaub. (= I am content with the holiday.)
- die Reise (= the journey) → Ich bin zufrieden mit der Reise. (= I am content with the journey.)
- das Buch (= the book) → Ich bin zufrieden mit dem Buch. (= I am content with the book.)
When one forms a question about something, the preposition required by the verb is added to the word “wo-”. A -r- is added between “wo-” and the preposition if it starts with a vowel.In this case the question is:
What are you waiting for?
I am waiting for the bus.
What are you content with?
With the holiday.
If one forms a question about a person, the substantive question (in the accusative “wen”, in the dative “wem”) comes after the preposition required by the verb.
Accusative | Dative | |
the teacher
I am waiting for the teacher.
the housemaid
I am waiting for the housemaid.
I am content with the housemaid.
the teacher
I am waiting for the teacher.
I am content with the teacher.
the holiday
I am content with the holiday.
Verbs with prepositions, which are always followed by the accusative:
The prepositions “auf”, “für”, “gegen”, “um” and “über” require the accusative case when they are used with a prepositional verb.
- sich interessieren für etwas/jemanden (= to be interested in something/someone) → Wir interessieren uns nicht für Politik / für Politiker. (= We are not interested in politics/politicians.)
- sich ärgern über etwas/jemanden (= to be frustrated by something/someone) → Die Mutter ärgert sich über den Verkehr/ über den Busfahrer. (= The mother is frustrated by the traffic/bus driver.)
Verbs with prepositions, which are always followed by the dative:
The prepositions “bei, mit, nach, aus, unter, von, zu, vor” require the dative case when they are used with a prepositional verb.
Kinder, hört bitte mit dem Spielen auf, das Essen ist fertig!
= Children, please stop playing, the food is ready! |
Hilfst du mir bitte bei den Hausaufgaben?
= Would you please help me with the homework? |
Prepositions, which can be followed by the dative or the accusative:
The prepositions “an” and “in” can require the accusative or the dative case when they are used with a prepositional verb.
Der Schüler denkt immer an die Schulferien.
= The pupil always thinks about the school holidays. |
Hans nimmt an einem Italienischkurs teil.
= Hans is taking part in an Italian course. |
The modal verb “sollen”
The modal verb sollen is also used to express an urgency, which is not subjective. Often this relates to an invitation, a wish or an order by a third person.
Ich soll heute bis 22 Uhr im Büro bleiben. (Mein Chef hat das gesagt / er möchte das von mir.)
= I should stays in the office until ten o'clock in the evening today. (My boss said that/he would like that from me.) |
Meine Mutter soll abends weniger essen. (Ihr Arzt hat das gesagt. “Essen Sie abends weniger!”)
= My mother should eat less in the evening. (Her doctor said: "Eat less in the evening!") |
Conjugation of sollen in the present conjunctive
In the second conjunctive form of sollen, a suggestion, a recommendation or a piece of advice is expressed.
ich sollte
wir sollten
du solltest
ihr solltet
er, sie, es sollte
sie, Sie sollten
Natalie, du solltest gleich mit der Suche anfangen.
= Natalie, you should start the search immediately. |
Du solltest den Mut nicht verlieren.
= You should not lose confidence. |